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Sacramental Preparation at Cathedral of St. Raymond School

Preparation for the sacraments of Confirmation, Reconciliation, and Eucharist is shared by parents, sponsors, Saint Raymond School faculty and staff, the Cathedral of St. Raymond and our rector, Fr. William G. Dewan.  The sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist take place in 2nd grade and Confirmation is done in 8th grade.  Students who transfer into St. Ray’s are required to have a family interview with the school principal and the parish DRE to determine if one or two years of preparation are needed.


Students typically receive the sacrament of first reconciliation the Tuesday after President’s Day.  In celebrating this sacrament of God’s forgiveness, students learn to reestablish their relationship with God and all people through reflection and contrition by saying ‘I’m sorry’ and hearing ‘You are forgiven.’  Through participation in this sacrament we celebrate God’s ready desire to give us the power to change our lives and form ourselves in the image of Jesus through grace.

While reconciliation is a private sacrament that occurs between the priest and the confessor, a unique tradition for first reconciliation at St. Ray’s is the simple yet powerful element of involving family members into the sacrament.  Following a communal reconciliation prayer service, students, one by one, bring their families to the altar to meet the priest. Students then proceed to have their confession heard while his/her family waits in their pew. Once students have finished their confession, his/her family greets them with a warm embrace.  As a family, they light a candle signifying how our light of God’s mercy snuffs out the darkness. Students then complete their penance before one of the beautiful statues in the Cathedral.

Students in grades 3-8 examine their hearts, look at their attitudes, words and actions, and then come before God to take responsibility for them through the sacrament of reconciliation two times of year:  during the Advent and Lent seasons.


First Communion

One of the most joyous times in a Catholic’s faith journey is receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ for the first time. During their preparation, the children learn the importance of the Eucharist being the center of our life.

Students in second grade receive the sacrament of first communion the first weekend of May.


Confirmation is an important step in the journey to adult Catholic life in the Church.  It completes the sacrament of Baptism. It is administered by laying-on of hands and anointing with chrism accompanied by prayer. The chrism is blessed by the bishop and the bishop administers the sacrament. Confirmation is the beginning of one’s adult life in the church.  Students prepare with a number of assignments that allows them to explore their faith further. In addition, students are required to complete 20 hours of service in their home, school and community. Prior to confirmation, students take part in a retreat.

The date of Confirmation changes each year and is typically announced to families by late September.