Kindergarten – 5th Grade Female Students
Option 1: Jumper
Regulation plaid accordion folded jumper
Solid white blouse (no polos/knit type shirts); choice of long or short sleeves with Peter Pan collar
Solid red or navy blue sweater cardigan (optional)
Quarter, fold-over ankle, crew or knee high socks or tights – solid red, white or navy
Dress shoes or athletic shoes
Option 2: Skirt (4th and 5th Grade Only)
Regulation plaid accordion folded skirt (must come to the top of the knee)
Solid red knit shirt with Cathedral of St. Raymond School logo, short or long sleeved (Do not buy your polos at other stores and have them embroidered somewhere. We have a very specific red.)
Solid red or navy blue sweater cardigan – knitted only (optional)
Quarter, fold-over ankle, crew knee high socks or tights – solid red, white or navy
Dress shoes or athletic shoes
Option 3: Slacks or Shorts
Solid navy blue dress slacks OR navy blue walking shorts (April 1st – October 31st only)
Solid red knit shirt with Cathedral of St. Raymond School logo, short or long sleeved (Do not buy your polos at other stores and have them embroidered somewhere. We have a very specific red.)
Solid red or navy blue cardigan sweater – knitted only (optional)
Solid color belt (Kindergarten – 3rd grade students are not required to wear a belt)
**Belt may not have an oversize buckle, any design or metal studs
Ankle, quarter or crew socks – solid red, white or navy
Dress shoes or athletic shoes