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Join us for Octoberfest 2024!

Saturday, October 5th from 6:00-11:00PM

You don’t want to miss the biggest event of the fall! Food is being catered by Station One Smokehouse. Come for the food!  Come for the people! Come for the beer!  Just come!  Tickets are $45 a person.

Purchase Tickets Here

It’s not too late to make a difference! We need YOU!

Interested in supporting St. Ray’s as an event sponsor?

Sponsorship Information + Form

Do you have an item you can donate?

While we are open to just about anything, we are particularly looking for….tickets to sports games, shows or concerts, gift cards to local restaurants in $50 or $100, a service or skill, jewelry, electronics, themed holiday baskets and home decor.

Item Donation Form

Can’t make the event? Consider a direct donation to Oktoberfest 2024 and the students of St. Ray’s.

Donate Online

Thank you to our generous OktoberFest 2024 Sponsors

A HUGE thank you to Busey Bank, our Presenting Sponsor, who is by our side again this year. 

Please support these community members that support St. Ray’s!

Presenting Sponsor

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors